It’s Going to Be a Marvelous Summer!


The pungent smell of burnt marshmallow lingers in the air, mingling with the sharp astringence of lodge pole pine. Reverberations of laughter and shouting echo in the forest, as glimpses of pink primates are rumored in the area. You may question your sanity, or maybe you already know that something magical is happening in these mysterious woods. These are just some of the tell-tale signs that another summer has begun at Keystone Science School.

Counselors, campers, and all the legends of camp have started to congregate back to KSS to start The Summer of Marvel. This will be my second summer returning to KSS. During these magical months this campus becomes my home, these people my family. Through our collective dedication we learn, explore, and grow together as the summer progresses. I can’t wait to start teaching science as we explore the amazing and marvelous Colorado Rockies. Well discover our true potential as we challenge and push the boundaries of the conventional camp experience. I can’t describe the energy and excitement building within the staff and myself to start The Summer of Marvel!